Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

100% Organic & Natural

Made from Natural Materials only

100% Handcrafted

Small-Batch, Limited Editions

Zero Tolerance for Synthetics, Chemicals & Artificial Components


De ELLA Mezcal is composed of only fire, water, air, and the highly concentrated distillate of pure agave — an 11 million year old mother plant, complex and intelligent.
Blooming just once in her lifetime, she transforms into a majestic flower as she enters death. At the height of this miracle act, we harvest the piña — the heart of the agave — by hand.

It is here we find her true taste, the essence created over her lifetime.

Encourage the Deep,
the Wild, the Playful


Wild agaves make mezcal the most complex,
most interesting and most diverse distillate
on earth.

Out of respect for the journey of each plant,
we do not encourage mixing De ELLA
Mezcal. However, raw ingredient pairings
can lead to playful discovery and a deeper
understanding of each varietal.

To begin, pair De ELLA’s Miel de
Mantequilla with our Wild Tepeztate. Tell us
what you find.

agave spirit
agave spirit


De ELLA Mezcal is composed of only fire, water, air, and the highly concentrated distillate of pure agave — an 11 million year old mother plant, complex and intelligent.
Blooming just once in her lifetime, she transforms into a majestic flower as she enters death. At the height of this miracle act, we harvest the piña — the heart of the agave — by hand.

It is here we find her true taste, the essence created over her lifetime.

Encourage the Deep,
the Wild, the Playful


Wild agaves make mezcal the most complex,
most interesting and most diverse distillate
on earth.

Out of respect for the journey of each plant,
we do not encourage mixing De ELLA
Mezcal. However, raw ingredient pairings
can lead to playful discovery and a deeper
understanding of each varietal.

To begin, pair De ELLA’s Miel de
Mantequilla with our Wild Tepeztate. Tell us
what you find.



Our Agave Espadín needs close to ten
years in the soil before it is mature and
ready for harvest. In this growing phase,
corn, beans, squash, and other food crops
are cultivated between the agaves. This
counteracts weakness common to mono-
cultures, and improves the soil through
the humification of harvest residues and
the increased diversity of the microbi-
ome. All plant life on De ELLA fields
grows with the rhythm of nature.

Rejuvenate the land
Restore health,
Reject industrialization


Each wild agave harvested by De ELLA is
met with ten seedlings sown back into
their habitats. In practicing non-industri-
al agriculture, we have chosen to partner
with our greatest collaborator and teach-
er, Mother Earth, and we are devout in
restoring the soil she feeds us.

Excessive consumption of wild agave is
strictly profane.




Our Agave Espadín needs close to ten
years in the soil before it is mature and
ready for harvest. In this growing phase,
corn, beans, squash, and other food crops
are cultivated between the agaves. This
counteracts weakness common to mono-
cultures, and improves the soil through
the humification of harvest residues and
the increased diversity of the microbi-
ome. All plant life on De ELLA fields
grows with the rhythm of nature.

Rejuvenate the land
Restore health,
Reject industrialization


Each wild agave harvested by De ELLA is
met with ten seedlings sown back into
their habitats. In practicing non-industri-
al agriculture, we have chosen to partner
with our greatest collaborator and teach-
er, Mother Earth, and we are devout in
restoring the soil she feeds us.

Excessive consumption of wild agave is
strictly profane.


Share the Sense of Slow Pleasures
and Promote the Higher Realms
Within Us

Through Soil, we are connected to the
wisdom of plants. Through Sin, we are
allowed into the spirit world. Through
sharing and finding meaning, we cultivate
our collective soul – to ourselves, to each
other, to the source.

Sip slowly, tune in to the magic and the
medicine. Use De ELLA as a guide to
finding the soul within.


Share the Sense of
Slow Pleasures and
Promote the Higher
Realms Within Us

Through Soil, we are connected to the
wisdom of plants. Through Sin, we are
allowed into the spirit world. Through
sharing and finding meaning, we cultivate
our collective soul – to ourselves, to each
other, to the source.

Sip slowly, tune in to the magic and the
medicine. Use De ELLA as a guide to
finding the soul within.


Soil — the land — Soul — the purpose —
and Society — the community — are not
only interrelated but are one and the
same. This is the guiding wisdom for all
who know and work the land.

What and how we consume matters.
By supporting the artist and true crafts-
man, we support their fight against the
material militarism that is so damaging to
our ecosystem and our collective well-be-
ing. Through art and tradition, De ELLA
ensures the learnings and language of our
ancestors are still heard and felt today.


Encourage Art,
Regeneration and
Connection to all
Living Things


Soil — the land — Soul — the purpose —
and Society — the community — are not
only interrelated but are one and the
same. This is the guiding wisdom for all
who know and work the land.

What and how we consume matters.
By supporting the artist and true crafts-
man, we support their fight against the
material militarism that is so damaging to
our ecosystem and our collective well-be-
ing. Through art and tradition, De ELLA
ensures the learnings and language of our
ancestors are still heard and felt today.


Encourage Art,
Regeneration and
Connection to all
Living Things